Wednesday, June 16, 2010

6/16/10 - Our third day on the boat

We went 72 statute miles today, which is approximately 65 nautical miles. We left at 6:20 this morning, and the first thing we had to do was cross the Albermarle Sound. We have heard horror stories about the sound being really rough, and I remembered that last time we went across the sound (6 years ago) I got seasick because of all of the waves (That was the only time on our last boat trip that I got seasick). But, this time, we got started early enough so the wind/ waves weren't to bad. I drove part of the way across it. It rained just as we were leaving the sound. After that we went into the Currituck sound, then into the North Landing river. The North Landing River was really stressful to drive through, because it was a very very narrow passage that was deep enough; the rest was 4ish feet. We had to go through a couple of bridges, and since some of them only open at certain times, we were doing some circles waiting for them to open. We docked at Great Bridge. It started hailing just as soon as we got our boat tied up! Tomorrow we are going through the lock! (changing topic) I don't think that our depth sounder is very accurate, because at one point, it showed that we were going through 3'2" of water. You have to add 1' to the depth shown on the sounder, so that meant we were supposedly going through 4'2" of water. We draw 5'6". How we managed to do that is beyond me. We think either our depth sounder isn't working quite right, or we just slid right through some mud on the bottom. We don't know!

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