Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Our boat trip so far...

...has been hot, fun, and relaxing! We went 40 miles yesterday, and 40 miles today. Yesterday was very hot, up in the 90's. Today was cooler, with winds up to 26 kts! I got a little sunburn yesterday on the tops of my legs, a little on my arms, and a little on my face. We are hoping to do a long day tomorrow, 70 miles. We will have to stop halfway through, because we need to let the dog off the boat, and get fuel. We are leaving (hopefully) at 6a.m., so we should get there between 6 and 7(ish). I am not sure if we will have internet access or not. We shall see! We haven't done any sailing yet, for a number of reasons. But, I have been able to drive the boat quite a bit! I drove for a total of about 5 hours, between the two days.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow thats intense. well good luck with the long day tomorrow!