Monday, June 21, 2010


This post is for Saturday - I was getting ready to hit the 'post' button when the internet crashed, so I'm posting it today!

We actually sailed today! Well, technically, motor sailing. But we still had the jib out for about 4 hours today. While it didn't help our speed to much, it did keep us steady in the 3 foot swells. It was fun! We went from Kilmarnock to Solomon's Island. I was able to drive for a long time. When we got here, we got the dinghy off the davots, and used it to get to the shore. Since we have a mooring ball, we were able to use the marina facilities, which include a pool! They also have bikes you can borrow, so we biked to the grocery store to pick up a few things my dad and I forgot last night.

Funny story - my mom was making Thousand Island dressing for us to dip cauliflower in. But she realized that we didn't have Cat

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